Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Disappointing GE Earnings Cause Stock Market To Drop Sharply

Market News: On Friday, April 11, 2008, General Electric Co. (GE) surprised the market with a disappointing first-quarter report. GE said its financial-services division was the main reason for the bad earnings and that its financial-services were hurt by the current credit crisis. GE lowered its projections for the rest of the year. Crude oil prices rose 3 cents to close at $110.14 per barrel. The stock market dropped sharply from these 2 major news.

The following analysis is not a trade recommendation. You are responsible for your own trading decisions.
DOW Trend: DOW transition from up to down, DOW going sideways
NASDAQ Trend: NASDAQ transition from up to down, NASDAQ going sideways
S&P500 Trend: S&P 500 transition from up to down, S&P500 going sideways

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